Happy New Year from the Musik !D TV Staff!

What will you do in 2017 to be who you want to be in 2018?
Here we are about to cross over into another new year full of new opportunities, new ideas, and maybe even a few new experiences. Something else that will grace you in the new year are new problems, new struggles but there will be new solutions to back those up.
Let’s start this new year by throwing away the resolutions. Instead of promises of reflection and empowerment of those issues of 2016, prepare your mind for 2018. Get yourself in the shape you want to be in for an entire year from now. Who do you want to be? How do you want to be seen in 2018? What things can you make part of your artistic DNA to make those things happen?
As bad as we all thought 2016 was, and it was one for the ages in terms of legends lost, 2017 has 365 days in it as well. It has 24 hours in each of those days. Stop worrying about what’s happened on Game of Thrones and the Walking Dead, and shut down everything except what you want you want to be in 2018.
If there is one thing that I can stress for this New Year it’s…have a plan.
Whether it’s to meditate in the morning before you have your breakfast, keeping a journal for when you practice, or to simply allow yourself 5 solid minutes to dedicate to what you want to be good at. Be consistent and don’t be afraid to start over.
And when those rough seas do rise, don’t run. Embrace every part of them. Learn everything there is to learn about the difficulty. You can only grow in the harshest conditions. This year don’t concern yourself with highs and what is going good…if it’s going good, no need to pay it any mind. Be thankful, stay vigilant and consistent, and always keep your eyes on the long term.
So who do you want to be in 2018?
Happy New Years!