Where Do People Play Music the Most? | MUSIK !D TV NEWS
According to Nielsen's Music report, technology has been beneficial for music consumers. Music listeners operate 3.4 devices on a weekly...

What Playlists You Need To Be On! | MUSIK !D TV NEWS
Playlists are becoming critical for listener’s music experience. 58% of music consumers make their own playlists and 32% shares their...

How Are People Discovering New Music? | MUSIK !D TV NEWS
Since technology became huge, how are the consumers observing new music? According to a Nielsen’s report, 49% of consumers are listening...

How Often Are People Listening To Music? | MUSIK !D TV NEWS
According to Nielsen, Americans listen to music for over 32 hours, weekly. Last year, it was 26.6 hours. Due to technology, like cell...

How Millennials Consume Music! | MUSIK !D TV NEWS
Nielsen data from the 4th quarter advises that the digital consumption growth isn’t declining regular radio tune-in. Especially, since...